“A person must always be free to make their own health care decisions, for their own body.”
San Diego, CA – California State Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins (D-San Diego) stood with health care providers and local leaders on Wednesday morning at a Planned Parenthood in San Diego. As extremist politicians in Washington, D.C. push for a national ban on abortion care, this broad coalition of elected officials and health care experts called on Californians to protect abortion access by voting YES on Proposition 1.
“As co-chair of the Prop 1 campaign and as a proud San Diegan, I want to thank the network of health care providers who joined us today for their continued support of this important ballot measure, which will add a person’s right to an abortion directly into the California State Constitution,” said Senate Pro Tempore Toni G. Atkins (D-San Diego). “As an epicenter of some of the most innovative health systems in the world, San Diegans understand how important it is for medical decisions like abortion and contraception to stay between a patient and their health care provider. This broad and diverse coalition that puts science before political agendas is a testament to how critical Prop 1 is.”
If voters uphold the measure, Prop 1 will protect peoples’ fundamental right to control their own body, and make their own decisions about their own reproductive healthcare, by explicitly adding the right to abortion and the right to use contraceptives into the California Constitution.
“Planned Parenthood is proud to support Proposition 1 because we believe everyone has the right to make decisions about their reproductive health care, including abortion, based on scientific facts, not a political agenda.” said Darrah Johnson, President & CEO of Planned Parenthood Action Fund of the Pacific Southwest. “By adding the right to abortion directly into the State Constitution, we are sending a message loud and clear – abortion is health care and health care is a basic human right.”
“The Supreme Court’s decision to roll back our right to access abortion care puts the lives of countless women at risk, and will disproportionately impact people of color, people with low incomes, immigrants, and young people,” said San Diego County Supervisor Nora Vargas. “I am proud to support Proposition 1, to protect our right to access safe and legal abortion in California.”
“The freedom to choose abortion must be protected against extremist, political forces in Washington working tirelessly to eviscerate it,” said San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria. “Voting YES on Proposition 1 sends a message to the rest of the nation and the world: that California will not back down when it comes to protecting our essential right to access health care services, including abortion.”
“As a board certified obstetrician-gynecologist, I strongly support a woman’s right to choose and the right to reliable access to abortion and contraception services for everyone, regardless of their ability to pay or where they live,” said Assemblymember Akilah Weber, M.D. “I was proud to be a co-author of and vote on the legislation to put Proposition 1 on the ballot, and I hope California will join me in voting YES this November.”
“A person must always be free to make their own health care decisions in consultation with their medical provider – which is why it is so important that California vote YES on Proposition 1,” said Toni Marengo, M.D., Chief Medical Officer of Planned Parenthood Pacific Southwest. “By explicitly adding the right to abortion, and the right to choose or refuse contraceptives, into the state constitution, Prop 1 will ensure that a person’s right to control their own body is always protected.”
“Abortion is health care, and it should be safe and accessible like every other form of health care in California,” said Dr. Pratima Gupta Board Certified OBGYN and member of the San Diego County Medical Society and ACOG. “As a health care provider, I know the privacy between patients and their doctor must remain sacred – because it saves lives, allows people to choose if and when to start a family, and allows them to achieve their dreams. Proposition 1 will protect that privacy and the right to choose abortion and contraception for generations to come.”
“As nurses, it is our job to be fierce advocates on behalf of our patients – regardless of which way the political winds in Washington are blowing,” said Cathy Kennedy, President of the California Nurses Association. “We are proud to support Proposition 1 as leaders in the fight to protect our patients’ rights to control their own bodies and to make autonomous health care decisions.”