Yes on Proposition 1 Campaign Launches Paid Media Effort

Targeted ads will reach communities in language 

Sacramento –  Today, the Yes on Proposition 1 campaign launched a paid media campaign, with targeted ads on television, radio, print and digital media. With broad-based support across the state for Prop 1, the campaign’s in-language paid media program will help raise awareness in hard to reach communities about the issue being on this fall’s ballot.

“It’s no surprise that in California, voters support Proposition 1,” said Jodi Hicks, Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California President & CEO and prop 1 co-chair. “But as a campaign we want to make sure all voters have the information about how Prop 1 secures access to abortion and protects personal health care decisions. We are especially focused on reaching out to communities typically disenfranchised in elections, especially in households where English is not the primary language.” 

Ads will run in Spanish, Chinese, Cantonese, Vietnamese, and Korean across the state for the next four weeks. 

“California has the chance to show the rest of the country that we will not go backward, we will stand to protect the most vulnerable among us and we will lead the nation in protecting access to abortion care,” said Toni G. Atkins (D-San Diego), Senate pro Tempore and Prop 1 co-chair. “We are grateful for support that has ensured we have the capacity to talk to voters and help educate the importance in showing up and voting Yes on Proposition 1 this fall.” 

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